Moijra´s Application - (ACCEPTED)
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Moijra´s Application - (ACCEPTED)
•Name, race, class and level of your main character.
Moijra is my 85 BM hunter (troll) that i will use for raids, i will also bring my DeathKnight Tovik (frost) thats also ready for raids (usually my main but sorcha told me you need hunters)
•[Armory link] (This is optional).
•Real life age: 18+ a LOOOONG shot... (42)
•WoW Experience (how long you have been playing, what content you have seen etc)
started about 2 years ago so it was in WotLK, seen most of it by now but not in the "proper" order, luckely im not tainted by the pushover tactics used in ICC even though i Pug it for a few months, started raiding for real when Cata hit us.
•Availability (roughly how much you play each week, most important if you keep very strange hours)im available basicly everyweekday after 1800 (work and dinner comes first) weekends are open all day long. Tuesday and Thursday im open at 2100 due to the kids soccer practise (with me as coach)
•Do you know anyone in the guild? Who and how?
a matter of fact, yes i do.....novalee sleept on the sofa for a few months untill Sorchá/Chadros moved out
•Why do you want to join?
Evil Sorchá told me that you guys are really fun to play around with. when he migrated here he joined the guild im currentley in ( and left rather fast) now i dont really feel at home there anymore due to politics and most of our raids are either cancelled or just farming for officers.
•What previous guild(s) have you been a member of? Why did you leave?
currently im in "The Lost Ones" and befor that i was in "Vis Vires" on The Maelstrom, left there due to being put on raid standby 95% of the time and not allowed to PuG even on Tuesdays.
•What's your favourite WoW moment that you have come across?
That must have been when i leveled one of my first toons (a Paladin), was around Lvl 22 and got boosted by Chadros, btw this was on The Maelstrom(PvP) when we ran across a little warrior at about Lvl 35 who tried to gank me but didnt see Chad at all so he got SPLATTERED 4-5 times while Chad was killing mobs and all of a sudden he gripped him by accident, so he got smuched AGAIN....i laughed so hard i couldnt breath for a few minutes.
•Tell us something about yourself in general. (Personality, interests, spectacular stuff you have done or whatever you feel would be interesting)
im about 20+ years old and father of 2 boys. once i asked my grandmother if God owns a gun (she didnt know) as im a bit of age i as many other men my age enjoy Soccer.
•WoW Goals. (if you have specific plans/aims in the game)
i have a verry small goal....since this is a huge game i want to see ALL of it and have fun doing it
•Tell us a story or a (funny) joke!
2 frogs was sitting on a stick when one of them said "JUMP" and the otherone responded in a cheerfull tone "no"
(nova is still laughing at it, so i guess its a little funny)
looking forward to be hearing from you lads
Moijra is my 85 BM hunter (troll) that i will use for raids, i will also bring my DeathKnight Tovik (frost) thats also ready for raids (usually my main but sorcha told me you need hunters)
•[Armory link] (This is optional).
•Real life age: 18+ a LOOOONG shot... (42)
•WoW Experience (how long you have been playing, what content you have seen etc)
started about 2 years ago so it was in WotLK, seen most of it by now but not in the "proper" order, luckely im not tainted by the pushover tactics used in ICC even though i Pug it for a few months, started raiding for real when Cata hit us.
•Availability (roughly how much you play each week, most important if you keep very strange hours)im available basicly everyweekday after 1800 (work and dinner comes first) weekends are open all day long. Tuesday and Thursday im open at 2100 due to the kids soccer practise (with me as coach)
•Do you know anyone in the guild? Who and how?
a matter of fact, yes i do.....novalee sleept on the sofa for a few months untill Sorchá/Chadros moved out
•Why do you want to join?
Evil Sorchá told me that you guys are really fun to play around with. when he migrated here he joined the guild im currentley in ( and left rather fast) now i dont really feel at home there anymore due to politics and most of our raids are either cancelled or just farming for officers.
•What previous guild(s) have you been a member of? Why did you leave?
currently im in "The Lost Ones" and befor that i was in "Vis Vires" on The Maelstrom, left there due to being put on raid standby 95% of the time and not allowed to PuG even on Tuesdays.
•What's your favourite WoW moment that you have come across?
That must have been when i leveled one of my first toons (a Paladin), was around Lvl 22 and got boosted by Chadros, btw this was on The Maelstrom(PvP) when we ran across a little warrior at about Lvl 35 who tried to gank me but didnt see Chad at all so he got SPLATTERED 4-5 times while Chad was killing mobs and all of a sudden he gripped him by accident, so he got smuched AGAIN....i laughed so hard i couldnt breath for a few minutes.
•Tell us something about yourself in general. (Personality, interests, spectacular stuff you have done or whatever you feel would be interesting)
im about 20+ years old and father of 2 boys. once i asked my grandmother if God owns a gun (she didnt know) as im a bit of age i as many other men my age enjoy Soccer.
•WoW Goals. (if you have specific plans/aims in the game)
i have a verry small goal....since this is a huge game i want to see ALL of it and have fun doing it
•Tell us a story or a (funny) joke!
2 frogs was sitting on a stick when one of them said "JUMP" and the otherone responded in a cheerfull tone "no"
(nova is still laughing at it, so i guess its a little funny)
looking forward to be hearing from you lads
Guest- Guest
Re: Moijra´s Application - (ACCEPTED)
Heya Tovik, thanks for the application. We'l review it and get back to you as soon as possible. If I where to guess a time i`d say after mondays raid at 23:00 servertime.
Amourus- Officer
- Posts : 244
Join date : 2010-12-01
Age : 40
Location : Bergen, Norway
Re: Moijra´s Application - (ACCEPTED)
After discussing your application we have decided to accept your application. However there are some things we would like to run by you before you accept. Please contact myself, Amourus, Cabot, Trizz, Kalactocch, Lorin, Nesrond, Koshchei or Gragnash.
Guest- Guest
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